
What professional homeopaths say about VithoulkasCompass

We can proudly say that Vithoulkas Compass already represents the new standard of homeopathy software. During the 18 months our users have relied on the VC expert system to increase their prescription accuracy in tens of thousands of cases. We did our best to meet and exceed their high standards by improving our service in every possible aspect. Here are some words from our users:

Professor George Vithoulkas

Alternative Nobel Prize, 1996
Hon.Prof. University of the Aegean, Greece
Prof. Kiev Medical Academy
Hon. Professor Moscow Medical Academy (Department Restorative Medicine)
Collaborating Professor Basque Medical University

VC has been very helpful to me since the first prototype versions. It was a great joy to see how consistent it was with what came to my mind as the similimum. It became a real tool, especially in cases which needed deeper study, were it quickly gave meaningful propositions, saving time and preventing potentially important omissions of candidate remedies.

On 2 occasions it helped me personally. These where acute conditions during which it was quite difficult for me to open books and search for the answer. VC provided the candidate remedies and in both cases the correct remedy was easy to spot. I am already working on an optimized acute pathologies module, which will enable homeopaths to respond fast in such situations.

In terms of usability, I have been very familiarized with VC and routinely use it as a means to teach repertorisation and to exchange cases with colleagues and students. It is now a part of my practice.

Judging from the progress and the quality of its development, and also from my communication and cooperation with its first users, I am confident that it has the potential to bring a new level of homeopathic practice and elevate the status of homeopathy around the world.

Dr. Jorge Carlos Barbosa


My name is Jorge Carlos Barbosa, I am doctor-homeopath working in Guadalajara, Mexico.

First of all allow me to give you my opinion regarding Vithoulkas Compass. In some way, my main problem was that for many years, I was very used to using Radar.
There is no question that VC has some very important advantages which are really worthwhile and there is no doubt that I forced myself, by having purchased it, to begin using it! And this because by analyzing its whole structure and design, I found it had many more advantages comparatively to other programs.
Fully determined, once I have already paid a 1 year subscription, I wanted to familiarize myself with the program because in a certain way when we are used to something, it is always very difficult to choose something else even though in reality it has greater benefits.
But I believe that if we start working it, the benefits will be far greater. Using it, accessing the program, making repertorizations - this is really very, very attractive because somehow it help us by making a differential diagnosis, because you can specifically see the Keynotes of every remedy in such a way that we can keep all the information in our minds. This is the way to address the issue of finding the correct remedy – through a differential analysis. This part, is the tool that I consider very valuable in Compass. This is the reason why I started using it.
On the one hand the program has incorporated Vithoulkas expert system, which of course no program could actually work in a repertory without having Vithoulkas’ expert system. On the other hand, the features, in Compass’s case, the very attractive part is that there is a filtration of remedies done in such a way that only those remedies that have undergone an appropriate pathogenesis, or in other words - “cloned” remedies, remedies that have never undergone an adequate investigation, are not included.
So in a way, it is a suitable filter to have so we can be more certain when prescribing remedies.

Hans Schrauder


My name is Hans Schrauder, I practice in London in the UK. I got into homeopathy over 20 years ago…

I find the VC system very accurate, it’s surprisingly accurate at coming up with the remedy which we finally agree on as being the correct remedy for the patient. Much easier than previous repertory systems that I’ve used so it’s actually quite surprising how quickly I can come up with the correct remedy with the Vithoulkas Compass system.
I enjoy using that because I find it really helps clarify the remedy selection and to drill down into the correct remedy.
It’s very good, it’s very quick and easy to use, it’s got quick access to the Materia Medica so when you’re looking to see what questions to ask or what remedy you want to select you can quickly look at Materia Medica which of course is the final stage in making any prescription really.



I’m Alessandra, I live in Toronto Canada, I’m the mother of two teenagers and I got into homeopathy because of them.

I had a very interesting experience. I had a personal situation of a case that I was working on, that I wanted George to help me with and he said to me “use the Vithoulkas Compass. It has just come out and then you will be able to email me once you have repertorized the case”. At the same time I had my Radar key lost! So for about 2 months – a month – I was using the Vithoulkas Compass.
I am not a technology person. I have a really hard time changing my new phone because I have to learn all these new ways of maneuvering. So I was very apprehensive but it was very straightforward. I had some questions; I got support right away from the technical team. I found it easy to work through and helpful. I felt like I was having a dialogue with George. It felt very interactive. So I was able to email him the cases I was working on and he was able to get back to me very quickly. So it was actually a very positive experience.

Stephen Rozenberg


My name is Stephen Rozenberg, I’m an optometrist in New York City. I deal with eye and vision problems all day. If you want to practice homeopathy the way Hahnemann, the way Kent intended it to be, it’s impossible to do it today without learning George’s ideas.

Fantastic! It’s just so much easier. The whole system is so organized. You have your notes on one side, you have your symptoms, you have your results, you can go back see it again for a follow visit. It’s the most organized thing I’ve ever seen in my life.
I’ve been using Vithoulkas Compass for, about, I’d say almost the last year. It’s extremely simple to learn. You almost don’t need to look at any of the tutorials. What I like about it, what makes this rather unique is that they’ve managed to put in George’s way of thinking. So however you’re used to repertorizing when you do this, you can get a serie list of remedies that George would actually come up with. And beyond that, the computer will feed you questions, that you may not have thought of, so I think using… if you’re going to use a computer which I recommend it’s much simpler, timewise, that without using Vithoulkas Compass, you’re just going to take a lot longer and you’re not necessarily going to arrive at the answers quickly especially in your beginning years.
It’s like having someone on the side giving you – like – psst… ask this, ask this and that’s what it does.
Well, one of the things that it mentioned is that it is all web based. So you don’t have to worry about a server, you don’t have to worry about updating things in your computer. It’s just always there from anywhere in the world. They have a beautiful Materia Medica which is all of George’s ideas and remedies including some videos and I think they are going to add more information on remedies, probably more videos.
The good thing about the repertory here is that it does not include a lot of the things that every, in English we say, Tom, Dick and Harry sends in.

Dr. Timicka Hamlet


My name is Timicka Hamlet. I’m a naturopath doctor from Canada and I practice homeopathy there. I see patients, I use other modalities too like acupuncture, herbal medicine, nutrition and diet. But I wanted to further my education in homeopathy because I find it is one of the most effective modalities to treat people.

I find Vithoulkas Compass to be very useful and the way that the remedies are selected and the way you can repertorize is very logical. So it is easy to find the repertorization, to translate the symptoms into rubrics. Then once I find the remedy with Vithoulkas Compass it is also helpful because you can go on to differentially diagnose them. So that is the most useful part for Vithoulkas Compass.
It helps to clarify your prescription. As a practitioner I am going to prescribe a remedy and I usually differentially diagnose outside of the program but this I can do it all in the program. So it saves me time and I’s very clear and very logical.
It’s good for people who are beginners but also experienced practitioners like myself so I find there is always something I can learn.
I think the Vithoulkas Compass is very important especially for learning classical homeopathy, because – Vithoulkas – you can really see his prescription methods through Vithoulkas Compass and the clarity of the teaching and the quality of teaching here is translated into Vithoulkas Compass. So I think it will be very beneficial for all homeopaths especially those that learn under Vithoulkas and to make it applicable to their practice. I think it is very important.

Dr. Katharina Gaertner


I’m Katharina Gaertner, I was trained as an allopathic doctor in Austria, in Vienna and I was always interested in Homeopathy as I was treated as a child with homeopathic remedies, and I’ve seen amazing results with my brothers….

I was introduced to VC last year here at the Academy and I’m using it quite frequently since a year now….There are 3 main points I relish very much in this program.
The main point is that it suggests you some small remedies, which you might not think about on the first hand, and that there really is Vithoulkas’ thinking behind…
The second point which I relish is that it’s online ... and you don’t need a full operating system on your computer you can use it on a tablet, whatever.
The third point is and this is really important, it’s very good, very instructive for learning. Like for every student. I was teaching in Nepal and the students could really learn a lot just with the fact that I introduced them to VC ...
I use VC as a reference but when I use it for patients there is one point which is really good, I can underline each symptom ...
I was quite astonished that most of my cases, actually all of them, went very well with VC. So whenever I chose the 1st remedy with VC, the cases went very well...
VC compared to other repertories is more than a repertory. It is an expert system in the sense that it evaluates the rubrics due to its importance. Whenever you underline, it brings up different remedies, so you can really choose after your case taking what symptoms are the most important to you and those you underline more, and then immediately it brings up the remedy which has marked these symptoms. And this type of calculation, which does the expert system is unique, it only exists in VC and it’s quite helpful, especially also when presenting cases because otherwise you start teaching and the remedy you gave might be in the 20th place or something but VC shows that this is the remedy to give because it has the marked symptoms of the case, the characteristic symptoms of the case...
I’m quite astonished that George told us yesterday that he himself managed a case only due to VC and this is very nice to hear, that the master himself also has some advantages of the system - the VC expert system.

Joana Marques


My name is Joana Marques and I am a homeopath. Lately, I have been using Vithoulkas Compass. It is an upgrade in regard to Radar which I used to use in the past.

The differential and specific remedies’ functions and specially to make a differential analysis of the case you are taking is extremely useful. I especially noted the great advantage of discovering small remedies for the cases I am treating for when we do not know the Materia Medica in depth it is much easier to obtain a solution through Vithoulkas Compass.
I am very happy this tool exists so we can use it.

Dr. Edouard Broussalian


I am doctor Edouard Broussalian I’m an MD and homeopath

I’ve been using computer programs for almost 30 years now and I have to say a few words about VC. I have to say that this is a brand new way of taking cases and using the repertory and what I like most in this program is that first you can access it by internet, this is very easy so whatever place you are you can access your cases, use them, work, this is very nice. Second, of course, is the way the repertory is built is very interesting because there are valuable additions from George Vithoulkas no doubt about the value of the repertory itself.
Now the way to use it is very interesting because you have to give some value to the symptoms you add in order to help the computer to evaluate the most fitting remedies. This is a brand new approach to the repertorizing and I have to say I love that. And once you’ve done that, what’s very interesting is that the computer is able to propose symptoms to ask to your patient, in order to give more way to one remedy may be rather than the other. And these questions are at the very core of the system. It’s a tip to learn, in order for you yourself to explore the differential diagnosis built between different remedies. This is absolutely interesting. That is why I like pretty much VC of course.

Dr. Nicolau


My name is Dr. Nicolau, I’m a veterinarian and I work in Switzerland and I use homeopathy on daily basis.

I found it quite precise, I had few cases where I had doubts between several remedies and I found it really useful the differential diagnostics that the program proposes and I found out that it’s really much easier than working with some other programs I tried before.
Vithoulkas Compass helps me solve difficult cases. Also because there is an opportunity to send the cases between homeopaths and have an advice. And in some cases it’s really useful to have a Materia Medica that is accessible fast, so you can look through several remedies while you’re at work and it’s really much more simple than carrying plenty of books with you.
I’m using the program that really helps because I’m working in emergency center and you have really no time to get into the books and repertorize manually there. And it really helps that it’s online and you can easily access the program.
So thank you for the program and for your work, and I advise to doctors working with homeopathy using Vithoulkas Compass.

Tony Carlyle


My name is Tony Carlyle, I work as a homeopath in Stockholm in Sweden. For some strange reason I was watching, well I was on holiday in Britain, there was a program on about George Vithoukas and I was very taken by his style and I also thought it was very nice – the scenery. And - he explained it in such a nice way. I liked his teaching style.

So, the Vithoulkas Compass is new to me. I’ve been using it for - since it came out... what I like about it is that it gives you suggestions of more questions to ask, I found that very useful indeed. It’s like a prompt. It could be this, it could be that, but ask more questions, and the prompts themselves are very useful... reading the prompts you start thinking again a bit about the case, itself...
One thing that the, the Vithoulkas Compass system has helped me with is actually with the Materia Medica. I like the latest additions of Vithoulkas’ notes, the key notes. Brilliant, very good, very short, lots of information in a very short way, instead of having to read through lots of text. I thought it was very good indeed... I think that’s one of the big things. It’s made, it’s made the scope of homeopathy much broader...
I think what we are going to see soon in Vithoulkas Compass is that it is going to be much easier to use, it’s going to look different. There are constant upgrades coming through, so I really like that one. I like the fact that the new version is coming along.
What I like is that we don’t’ have lunar, chocolate, and coca cola, whatever, berlin wall involved. I like that it’s no extraneous rubrics or remedies involved, that’s what I like.

Dr.Benedicte Broussalian


My name is Benedicte Broussalian, I am a doctor homeopath and I work with Vithoulkas Compass.

I find this program particularly interesting and in most of my cases where I had difficulties in finding a remedy, the questions from within the program helped me a great deal, with the differential analysis. These are professional questions and as I still have little experience, this really guided me to orientate myself towards the remedies. Therefore I recommend this program which is really marvelous.



My name is Ziad from Lebanon.

The Vithoulkas Compass when I started using it a year ago, was very easy, very informative and using the experience of professor Vithoulkas which is very essential to me.
It is very practical: 10 over 10. Practicality is excellent.
Thank you for the work of the VC team and thank you professor Vithoulkas for giving us this chance to learn from him and to use his experience in this Vithoulkas Compass.



My name is Renato and I am Brazilian. I have been practicing homeopathy for more or less 5 years.

Furthermore, a terrible feeling is when you feel lost in a forest of remedies in the world of homeopathy. That was how I used to feel, various times, when my patients would sit in front of me and would start to describe their symptoms. Many of the times I did not know which remedy to choose.
In moments like these, I came to think, how wonderful it would be if I had one of those experienced teachers of Homeopathy Courses, there by my side to help me choose the correct remedy. Imagine how fantastic it would be!
Now. Imagine if that teacher had more than 50 years of experience. Had already treated more than 200 thousand cases with success. And was there, at your side to help you. Do you still think you would feel insecure? Would you still feel afraid? Of course not! And lately this is exactly what I have felt. Those cases I believed to be difficult to solve, in just a few minutes have become easy. I can quickly choose a remedy.
And do you know why? Because I acquired Vithoulkas Compass.
It is an easy program that helps you make the best decision. As if Vithoulkas is there at your side. Helping you choose, which is the correct remedy for you to prescribe to your patient.
Wouldn’t you like to try it? Experience a similar sensation? Why not do as I did? Purchase it now! Access Vithoulkas Compass. Login and acquire your guide for your success in homeopathy.

I wanted to let you know that Vithoulkas Compass is the software I rely on for accurate detailed information when taking a case in my practice of homeopathy. I have studied with many of the world’s best homeopaths and used two other software programs and have found that I have been able to assist my clients in reaching the next level in their health that includes the mental, emotional and physical levels of the human being using Vithoulkas Compass. The program is well organized and structured for easy use, the content is likely the most reliable data base for the 750 remedies covered. The differential analysis and weighting of the symptom features are critical to confirm the picture before you. How do you change the world? One case at a time and George Vithoulkas has dedicated his life toward that goal.
Scott Nicholson, CH, CPT, LMT, MFA, BFA (USA)

Up to now I have made more than 500 prescriptions with Vithoulkas Compass and the program has become an indispensable „colleague“ in my daily work. The accuracy of the prescriptions shows that I can rely on this system. The acute tool makes a big difference in treating acute cases. It makes putting the right questions much easier and helps making decisions by using a minimum amount of rubrics. In the beginning I was very sceptic because it is an internet based software. Reality shows however that until now I have only experienced advantages. The system has always been available to me in various situations where I just needed quick access to the Internet with any computer available but most important with reliable results. With the support of Vithoulkas Compass I have great confidence in my prescriptions.
Helmut Schnellrieder, HP (Germany)

I have practiced in the UK for over 25 years and of that time I have been studying, assisting and organising seminars with George Vithoulkas in Greece for 16 years. I am very familiar with his work and methods and must say this new VC program captures the essence of his teaching and 50 years experience brilliantly. It’s like having him as a personal tutor! So Vithoulkas Compass has impressed me tremendously not only in its ability to consistently confirm the simillimum or remedy I have had in my mind but also to suggest, in the many difficult chronic cases, remedies not previously thought of or not so well known. The facility to differentiate remedies is very clever and allows us to ask questions, in real time, that help accurately pinpoint the correct first remedy. I like this very much and it is very useful in practice and to use for deeper study of repertory and MM. There really are so many rubrics that even after 25 years of practice I still was not aware of. The fact that the information being added to the repertory is being checked and cross checked against thousands of real cured cases is unique and an important step forward in accuracy for our profession. This is a truly important progression for homeopathic software and I am really excited to be part of this ever-developing project to create an accurate, reliable, no-nonsense repertory. Congratulations Vithoukas Compass!
Andrew Ward Dip IACH R.S.Hom (UK)

When I heard first about Vithoulkas compass in 2010 I was full of doubts. I did not feel the need for another computer based software, I was so much in love with the one I was using at that time. I have been practicing full time classical homeopathy for 18 years and was very quick in using my old software on my fingertips. Although I was testing the alpha version of VC during the Russian seminar September 2011 just to see. I was amazed how easy it was to use the software. The biggest positive shock was the amount of right remedies which I found - I could spot out of 23 cases 22 times the remedy Vithoulkas was giving, typing the symptoms I got from the case. Before I only was able to spot 30% of the time the right remedy during the seminars. Of course I thought it is because of the genius master full of experience. It was the software. Since October 2011 I am using the beta version VC in my clinic, I witnessed in more than 350 patients the successful path to the right remedy. Only 7 times I was not able to help. Since 8 months I do not even open the other homeopathic software I had bought years back. I am very happy with VC because I am much more successful in the daily work. I love to sit in my garden with my ipad to study with VC - checking rubrics and reading materia medica. It is so great that I can use it on my ipad! The provided materia medica information is accurate. For the right prescriptions it is enough. I also got patients back on track where I was lost using the right symptoms but getting wrong results by the software without indication how to confirm. I was able to correct wrong remedies of former prescriptions using VC and changing the life of several patients. I strongly recommend VC to students who are starting, it is a very good study tool. For all practicing homeopaths I just can give one advise: Give it a try - it is worth it.
Hp. Manfred Braig NDT (INPP)

I am a doctor, 64 years of age, of French (nationality), when I began, for the first fifteen years, I was practicing complex homeopathy& then little by little I started to detour as I was dissatisfied with its understanding and with the results I was obtaining.
It is obvious to me today that if, at the time, had I been taught by Mr. George Vithoulkas, I would not have turned away from homeopathy as I did at the time.
Now after a year or so, I have passionately read his work and 5 months later I registered for his E-learning courses from the International Academy of Classical Homeopathy, I have rediscovered homeopathy with such great pleasure that I am now exclusively practicing again&.
It is not the same homeopathy! This real homeopathy satisfies my daily professional demands, my intellect and my most profound aspirations.
But using the program Vithoulkas Compass has crowned this all: I can learn homeopathy by putting it into practice with my patients thanks to this program! Everything is logical, friendly, rewarding, the practice and the results are there&and I know it will improve even more in the future, because this program teaches me all the time.
It is truly as if I had a teacher a teacher by my side that follows me in the slightest of my choices with tenderness and intelligence.
Thanks to this high level of facilities, I have once again found the enthusiasm that I had 25 years ago when I first discovered homeopathy.
I would like to thank Mr. George Vithoulkas and everyone who works with him with so much honesty and have finally allowed me to relish the joy of homeopathy.
From a finally happy homeopath:

Dr Christian Almayrac

Hi. Here is my testimonial.
I have been practicing homoeopathy since 1989. At first I had to analyze cases manually, using a repertory and painstakingly assessing the contents of each rubric, seeking for remedies that ran through all or many of the rubrics. Aside from being a painstaking endeavor, it was also error prone and time consuming.
The availability of computer software greatly assisted in improving this process, but it also had its disadvantages. The software was expensive, generally tied to a specific PC which to a degree limited its portability and the link between case notes and repertorisations was often clumsy.
I then discovered Vithoulkas Compass - an online system that I can access at home, at work and even on portable devices such as my iPad. The result is that I can assess cases virtually anywhere, and the case notes form an integral part of the program, which means they are always available. The materia medica section is invaluable, especially with George's insightful handouts.
Case analysis with Vithoulkas Compass is the best I have ever seen - the ability to have the software suggest questions to ask to assist in differentiating the 'candidate' remedies is invaluable. It is like having George assess the cases with you, and it assists in solving the problem of the homoeopath forgetting to ask a pertinent question - something that is all too easy to do.
The ease of access to the software has made tracking case progress extremely easy - one particular case has needed careful monitoring and the ability to track the appearance and disappearance of symptoms is assisting me to see that the next remedy picture is slowly emerging.
I would not want to be without Vithoulkas Compass.

Andy Bell

Dear VC,
I have used various computer platforms for homeopathic repertorization for over 20 years. The Vithoulkas Compass system is revolutionary in its cost-effectiveness, availability at any time, and a design that allows collection of mass amounts of homeopathic cases for potential research. The beauty of this system is its ability to suggest specific differential analysis with targeted questions toward both small and large remedies. This capability combined with the quick cross-reference to Professor Vithoulkas's personal keynotes allows me to rapidly drill down to most similar remedy to the case. In cases where I had a high degree of confidence in a remedy prior to the repertorization, I found the system to confirm my clinical picture precisely. An on multiple occasions I have found a more precise match to a smaller remedy that was outside of my initial consideration including a case where Calcarea Arsenicosum was selected for a patient with persistent insomnia.
I highly recommend the Vithoulkas Compass system as both a standalone system or as an adjunct to repertory systems that are already available on the market.

Todd Hoover, MD, DHt

To all the executives and creators of VithoulkasCompass:
During the 35 years of my apprenticeship regarding the implementation and experience in Homeopathy, I have come across and have handleda number ofhelping tools: (books and computer software programs).
However, the main education I received in homeopathy, came from Professor Vithoulkas.
I have learned to evaluate and correctly assess patients and symptoms. My cognitive skills in homeopathy increased with Mr. Vithoulkas extraordinary lessons.
All the knowledge and experience [I gained] was assembled and refined with the expert systems created by Mr. Vithoulkas, beginning with VES and lately with VithoulkasCompass.
As soon as I first saw and handled VithoulkasCompass, I realized the magnitude of this task and the wide range of its application in a doctor severyday practice. It was something like a "revelation" for me.
The program is so intelligently and wisely structured that it captures and exploits, to its outmost, the mental particularity and capacity of its mentor, whom I had the good fortune to have as a teacher.
This is what a student should realize when he has known his teacher for many years and through the program "can identify"his way of teaching.
Therefore, if a doctor-VC user has undergone a basic education in homeopathyby G. Vithoulkas, the use of this program is imperative for the followingreasons:
improves and extends his knowledge with VC through every case taking process
easily learns to choose correctly and use differential analysis
avoids mistakes and "dilemmas" and learns to evaluate correctly the patient s information
learns "to interpret" the symptoms in the Repertory language
becomes a good connoisseur of Repertory and learns the details of Materia Medica
unties physicians hands and provides solutions to difficult[complex] and serious problems
The doctor will eventually become a good and successful prescriber, a practitioner worthy of Homeopathy.
Your work is awesome, creative and blessed.
I am convinced that it will soon receive the recognition, the appreciation and the position it finally deserves.
My warmest congratulations.
My warm thanks to Mr. Vithoulkas and to all of those who have worked with heart and soul for the creation of this project.
Yours sincerely,

V. Fotiadis MD

I have been using Compass for the last few months and feel it has taken me from practicing as a beginning homeopath to functioning nearly at the level of a master. Although I have been seeing clients in the U.S. for over thirty years, I cannot say that I have delved deeply into case history taking and analysis. Now Vithoulkas Compass does that for me, and in only a few minutes presents the most likely remedies for any symptom picture. Whether the patient's main complaint is emotional or physical, using this program is almost like having the master by my side in remedy selection.
One patient who suffered from depression responded very well to a high potency of Anacardium, a remedy I would not have chosen in the past simply due to lack of experience and confidence that it was indeed the appropriate homeopathic. I have found that the analysis and suggested further questions portion of this program is what makes it really work!

Ronald Henry DC ND FIAMA

I have been using the Online Application Vithoulkas Compass for the last few months now. It has immensely helped me in coming to a similimum. Far more importantly, I can finally use my ipad at the bedside instead of using heavy books or laptop, both of which are inconvenient when dealing with an emergency. I am a licensed user of three more homeopathic softwares, but the ease of use of Vithoulkas Compass is simply wonderful. Addition of MM notes from George is an additional bonus. All our doctors at Welling Homeopathy Clinics use Vithoulkas Compass ( beta ) currently.

With warm regards

Dr.Sourabh Welling, MD

It is a great honor for me to be a member of the wonderful family of VithoulkasCompass.com! Homeopathy is a therapeutic method with vast potential, and VC is a tool that can really help homeopathys great possibilities to unfold
Since I have been using VC, I have become a better homeopath. I feel that I have in hand a tool that navigates me towards the right direction and can help me especially in the complex cases so the road towards the right remedy becomes clearer. Thanks to VC I managed to find the remedy in difficult cases that I was not able to help before.I have even prescribed remedies that I did not know before! Using Vithoulkas Compass, I now feel more secure and more confident when facing the patient.

Lefteris Tapakis MD

Dear Vithoulkas Compass Team
First of all thank you very much for your big effort to create such a great program; it is really a wonderful program and truly a gift for the humanity. I very much appreciate you all.
Here, it is my feedback.
This program really helps me to clarify my doubtsamong the different remedies, which come up in my mind, withcorrect evaluation of intensity of the symptoms in such a simple but great accurate manner.
I can give you an example of Calc case,this person did not have any typical or confirmed common symptoms of Calc but a fear of height, which made me think that it could be a Calc case but I could not be absolutely sure because there were not any clear or strong typical symptoms that I could say: Yes, this is definitely Calc case !
So anyway I put in the V.C some other minor symptoms, the essential psychological future of the person, or you could say, the essence of the person, the pathological analysis etc. The program showed me and confirmed to me very clearly that the first choice was Calc. It helped me so much to get rid of all the doubts that I had in regard to the other remedies - It was amazing.
This was an anemic case. From the other typical pathological symptoms of anemia shown in this person you might have chosen any of the other remedies. However,this persons fear of height reminded me very much of Calc. But I would not have been able to confirm this by myself without the help of this program.
The differentiations among the remedies and/or for the specific remedies are extremely useful.
I especially really like this program because there is no useless information.
I am very glad that this program exists and I really appreciate all the efforts of the whole Vithoulkas Compass Team together with Prof. Vithoulkas. It is not an easy job and it takes great patience, lots of time and (funds of course) but it is really worthwhile.
I am using this program a lot, for my studies too in order to see and check that my way of analyzing the case and evaluation of the symptoms is correct (or not) and/or how far I am from the thought of Prof. Vithoulkas.
Thank you very much
Best regards

Shoko Miya

Thank very much to all the team for the creation of such an amazing product as VithoulkasCompass! I began to study homeopathy about 4 years ago and tried a lot of programs, some local and most famous - ISIS and Radar with VES. I stopped on the last one and found it very helpful. But when I first got to know VithoulkasCompass last year, I was really impressed how easy repertorisation could be. And now after a lot of improvements it is just fantastic! The program helps to find right remedy very quickly and with additional questions you can be sure of the prescription. Also there is opportunity to learn MM very effectively and a lot of other functions that help a lot in the everyday practice. So for about 5 months I didn't open any other program ex с ept VC on my computer and I am very happy! Looking forward for full version for iPad!

Dear VithoulkasCompass User Support Team,
First of all I would like to thank you for the opportunity of being able to use this valuable tool.
For me it has proven to be an easier method of accessing the repertorization of homeopathy. I studied Vithoulkas course, AENEAS in Costa Rica, and finished in the year 2010. I could have purchased the Radar but every time I had access to it, it seemed to me rather complex. It was therefore a great surprise for me to find this present on the internet while looking for Vithoulkas Materia Medica.
I will certainly share this with my colleagues.
A small summary of the things I liked:
- It is very easy to handle
- The differential analysis is an enormous tool so you dont lose so much time searching in other sources, I really like it. Fantastic!
- You can also see the remedies in each symptom you choose by clicking on the arrow
- To be able to access the Materia Medica from the symptom
- And summarizing, I believe it gives you the access to see whatever you need, from any screen you are using and this is very useful, practical as it saves a lot of time and resolves any doubts instantly.
Honestly, this program is becoming the beginning of how I view cases. I hope that my dedication in homeopathy will increase in the years to come.

**** New Many thanks to you all for such an important job and for the continuing the incorporation of so many improvements. You are doing a great job.
Anna Sanchez

I am very happy with the new interface. Because I already have a big screen, seeing everything at once is very useful.
Thanks for the great work. I am really a happy user and I recommend it to my friends all the time.

Serdar Buyukozer

Thank you for the dedication to the science and art of Homeopathy!
Scott C Nicholson

My experience with VC has been positive and although I do not have experience of using any other software, I find it easy to use. It is very helpful to be able to refer to the Materia Medica onscreen, especially when remedies that I am not yet very familiar with come up.
Audrey Conalty

I would like to thank you for your precious advice and the opportunity to use Compass.
Eleni Rousoxatzaki

I have finally found the time to work with this program. I did my first case today and still have a lot more to learn I know . I want to thank you for the program and being allowed to participate in its growth. I am honoured to be part of this program.
Virginia Ghaziri

I am currently a student of Professor Vithoulkas in the E-learning section of the International Academy of Classical Homeopathy. I am using the VC for inputting the case, repertorizing and checking Materia Medica, and it greatly helps me with learning and making a decision about the remedy. It is quite intuitive and easy to use, and the differential diagnosis/comparative remedy analysis is very useful when a few remedies come up high on the list. I like it very much.

Its my fortune to have your tool at my disposal. Your tool is all helpful and complete. Thank you once again for helping us so that we can work for our patients better. Regards.
Dr Sanghamitra Hom

Thank You so much for the VC! I am a Homeopath from Bulgaria. I am working with the VC about 6 months and I think it is the best homeopathic program .I trust the program and I feel the support of Prof. G. Vithoulkas all the time! Thank You again!
All my love!

Dr. Nina Elenkova-Papadopoulou

Thank you George Vithoulkas and all the team for working on this programm! This might change future medicine! I had some more successful cases done with this programm, animals and friends, collegues... I find it very practical. Waiting for the upgrades
Jelena Nikolau

I feel very grateful for this extraordinary opportunity created by your Team, to be able to use such a wonderful instrument, which makes the job for homeopaths much easier.
At the moment I am studying homeopathy. I live in Cluj ( Romania), I have been a general practitioner for 16 years and I started the Course of Homeopathy in Bucharest in June 2011. In October 2012 I had the possibility to meet Professor Vithoulkas. It was very useful for me, it helped me find some answers to my questions and to understand better the essence of homeopathy.
About Vithoulkas Compass  it seems to me, as a beginner, much easier to use than RADAR, it is very logic and easy to follow. Is very useful that there are also the Materia Medicas and the great possibility to compare different remedies.
VithoulkasCompass helped me to find the right remedy.
I would like to thank you for your effort to create such a useful instrument for those who practice homeopathy.

Elisabeta Turos



I have worked for years with only specific indications D-potencies. In 2010 I began with my training in classical homeopathy along with my graduate studies in complementary medicine. I work a lot with VC... It was interesting to witness how every month your repertory and MM always grew further. Thanks for the support that has helped rapidly in content and technical questions.
Congratulations for the technical implementation, I find it convincing.


I am very happy with VC. It is even friendlier now, having everything on one page. Repertorisation is very good. Sometimes I find the corresponding symptom but at the end when checking the Materia medica everything seems very clear to me in each case.
Thank you very much for continuing to develop and refine VC.

Flora I Coto

The truth is that the platform seems to me to be very friendly, very easy to use yet very practical. It definitely has quite a few "features" that I like, for example, materia medica, repertory, the casetaking&.. Unlike RADAR which have multiple functions that I truly rarely use. I use VC a lot. For every consultation I have!! it is my daily tool whenever I'm taking cases, for follow ups, for first visits, I use it to read the repertory, materia medica, etc..
I am a general practitioner and a homeopath; I have taken Vithoulkas courses in Greece and graduated from the University in 2009.

Dr. Daniel Valencia Torres

I've found Vilthoulkas Compass to be far more user friendly than the other reperatorization programs on the market. I enjoy the advanced search options allowing me to benefit from the experience of thousands of cases which allows me to practice like a far more experienced homeopath than I am. This is definitely my preferred homeopathy program.
Dr Jamie Gallant

It has been great to use VC , its principle aid is in differentiation of remedies by its features like differential analysis which has saved much of my time selecting the right medicine. It is so marvelous and absolutely amazing. I am working with a disciple of Prof. George Vithoulkas.
Dr.Krutik Shah

I was very happy to take part in this project. I find the whole concept very interesting.
The fact that we can access our files online is more than interesting, no more crashes, pc incompatibilities; it has made life so much easier.
The search is an easy one, and the analytical tool really optimal. I am a happy user of this tool and wish to remain so!
Many thanks for this very efficient tool!

Dominique St James

I have found VC very helpful in my practice of homeopathy. Not only does it suggest small, rare remedies impossible to think of, no matter how meticulous repertorisation Ive done, but it also helps me sort and rate the remedies in terms of best-match probability for the case , because it takes into consideration the most relevant signs and symptoms. I think its an invaluable tool for every homeopathic physician.
Loumakis Panagiotis-Sokratis

The online repertory offers the use in all mobile devices and a decisive advantage, the expert recommendation/questions for further differentiating the remedies, which make the differential analysis also possible for the less experienced. As far as I know, no other expert system offers this. Important for me is also, that I can look for a symptom when I work from different places or from my iPhone.
My full recommendation for the system.

Dr. J. Windsheimer

I practice Class. Homeopathy for 23 years.
I am very excited about VC and I would like to note that I no longer use RadarOpus. It now seems too complicated in comparison to VC and does not offer the DD and other advantages of VC. VC is simple, logical and incredibly effective. &..I have the option to view on any PC my cases, etc. &.I have already successfully cured many cases with it. I have brought VC to my students, who also find it easy to work with, even though some have never even used Radar. It would be great to have even more videos in the materia medica ....
Otherwise, congratulations, everything is super, brilliant work.

Brigitte Krenner

I want to thank you for creating a stunning program, which, on one hand helps you make the right diagnosis, and also allows you to improve, by learning the repertory and the materia medica. I look forward to the Russian translation of the materia medica, and would like to note that it would be great to have the repertory translated into Russian. Thank you!

I would like to confirm that VC is really amazing and a very good software. I use it each time I'm a bit lost in a case. The 2 special researches (complementary questions and questions about a specific Rx are really very useful. They make the difference with the other programs available to us. VC is of a real help to solve unclear cases.
The recent improvement will certainly be "state-of-the-art" and I'm impatient to test it for my next difficult case.
Many thanks for your dedication to help us become good homeopaths.

Alain Picard

Thanks Guys...Love this program and find it very accurate and having great progress with my patients.
Dr.Gay Hilton

I am very grateful for Vithoulkas Compass assistance in the searching, the differential analysis for possible homeopathic remedies and finally in finding the correct homeopathic remedy. I easily learnt how to use it because the instructions were very clear and guided me through every step. Very useful storage of symptoms in every session as well as how it finds the correct remedy. The latest improvements in the program have increased the chance of finding the SIMILIMUM.
A big thank you would not be enough for Mr. Vithoulkas contribution to mankind.

Fotini Michalaki

I am a regular user of Vithoulkas Compass.
I find it to be an excellent working tool to complement
and enrich my clinical experience of treating patients
by Classical Homeopathy.
I have been practicing Homeopathy since last 10 yrs.
Thank you for providing this excellent tool.

Dr Gopal Aironi

Your request for a testimonial was very timely, as I have attended a session with Dr. Jorgos Kavouras on Levels of Health. It helped me to even better use this wonderful tool. I was not familiar with you methods, but applied with the VC program, my training in Classical Homeopathy and my new understanding of the Sensation method, I realize that more than 50% of the time I can achieve the Similimum with little more than a 30 minute interview (my intakes were often 4 times as long in the past).
The models of intakes are great. Some I had already written myself, others are a welcome addition. The ability to add our own is also a bonus. I think flexibility is a must as Homeopathy is, like the medicine, a rather individual technique once the basics have been mastered.
Finally, one of the most wonderful features for me is to be able to change from one language to another while working on the case. Being in a bilingual city, may patients often express symtoms in one or the other language during the same session and repertorizing is better using their expressions. I can switch from one language to another without closing the case making my analysis more fluid and keeping my thought process uninterrupted.

Thank you for this tool.

Manon Larose

Thank you for developing this wonderful application that greatly helps in analysing the case. I am a student&. I study a lot on my own and the help of the Compass is invaluable to me. I very much appreciate the feature when with just one key word it is now possible to find all the rubrics. On top of that the feature of differentiation is just so helpful and practical!
Please accept once again my sincere appreciation and gratitude for the developed software,

Lyudmilla Bilenko

VC is the best homeopathy program I have ever tested, and I will definitely continue to use it even if there is a charge.
The prescriptions become more accurate, and if I have an idea about a remedy, I can check immediately the attached materia medica, and when I dont know a small remedy so well the different possibilities of differential diagnosis also allow me to prescribe with more precision.
The user interface for the iPad is now equal to that used on the PC. Also, the speed is very good.
All in all: Keep up with the good work!

Georgia Froehling

Vithoulkas Compass has been a fantastic experience, it has helped me in many ways, not only finding remedies but also discovering others. It is a great tool for my homeopathic studies since I have access to Materia Medica just a click away and better than that... George Vithoulkas handouts!!! I love the fact that it is online, since I can access my cases through my computer at home, at work and even in between with my tablet, so as I attend my clients from anywhere without losing any information. It is a great tool!!!
Congratulations to all the team.

Juan Pablo Diaz Romero